Blog, Q&A Session

Q&A Session: Zach Joyce

December 9, 2016

We are proud to highlight another member of our management at VP Engineering. Zach Joyce has been with the company for 8 years and has experienced great growth within VP, moving up the ranks of designer levels to currently hold the position of Project Manager.

Formerly in the Air Force, Zach brings a strong work ethic while always being able to put a positive spin on even the most stressful situations. We are lucky to have him as a part of our team!

VP: Before working at VP, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
Zach: “I was in the Air Force. I was a part of the military police force that guarded nuclear missile silo sites in three different states out west.”

VP: How has VP helped in your career development?
Zach: “I came to VP as an electrical designer in Charlotte. Over the course of 8 years, I have continued to grow as a designer and also have stepped up into a manager position. They have continued to help with my training and understanding of the code as a designer and then with the role of project manager.”

VP: What advice do you have for future VP employees?
Zach: “Work hard and ask a ton of questions.”

VP: What are 3 words to describe VP?
Zach: “Diverse, fun, and family.”

VP: What have you gained from working at VP?
Zach:  “Experience in my field and friends for life.”

VP: How has the company changed since you first arrived at VP?
Zach: “We were a lot smaller then and have now tripled in size. The overall way we do projects has definitely evolved for the better.”

VP: What is your favorite part about working for VP?
Zach: “Working with all of the different cultures within the office.”

VP: What are three traits that define you?
Zach: “I strive to be honest, have good communication, and exhibit a positive attitude.”

VP: Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?
Zach: “Ireland. My wife and I went there 10 years ago to see my motherland since my family is from there.”

VP: What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?
Zach: “Work hard and finish the job you started.”